
Showing posts with the label Code

How ChatGPT Code Runner Can Boost Your Productivity and Creativity

If you are a coder, you know how frustrating it can be to switch between different tools and platforms to write, run, and save your code. You also know how easy it is to lose track of your code snippets or forget where you saved them.😞 I have released two products. 1. Code Runner Chrome extension. 2.  Code Runner ChatGPT Plugin. Introducing  Code Runner - Chrome extension , the ultimate tool for coding within  ChatGPT ! 🚀 Check out my first awesome plugin for ChatGPT that lets you Run code in 70+ languages! 🙌👩‍💻👨‍💻  Introducing  Code Runner - ChatGPT Plugin , the ultimate tool for coding within  ChatGPT ! 🚀 Checkout Tweet-Code Runner here : Url of Plugins to Install. 1. ChatGPT Plugin store :   ChatGPT - Code Runner Plugin 2. On Plugin store :  ChatGPT Plugin Store - Code Runner But what if there was a way to code directly in your browser, without the need to install anything or open any other applications? What if you could run and save your code in over 70 programming langu

CodeGPT vs Github Copilot AI Code Generator: A Comprehensive Comparison

As a developer, you know that time is of the essence. Any tool that can help you save time and increase efficiency is worth considering. In this article, we will be comparing two such tools: CodeGPT and Github Copilot AI code generator. CodeGPT is a Visual Studio Code extension that uses OpenAI's API to generate code. It's designed to help developers write code faster and more accurately. With CodeGPT , you can generate code for various programming languages and frameworks, including Python, JavaScript, and React. The tool uses state-of-the-art AI algorithms to understand the structure of the code you are trying to write and generate code snippets that match your style and requirements. On the other hand, Github Copilot AI code generator is a code generation tool that integrates with Github. It provides suggestions for code snippets as you type and lets you add the suggested code with just one click. The tool is built on Github's AI infrastructure and is designed to wo