
Showing posts with the label coding

LangChain Coder

LangChain-Coder   is a web application that can generate code, fix bugs, and run it using GPT-3, CodexAI, and Vertex AI. It is a powerful tool that can help developers of all levels to write better code faster. How it works LangChain-Coder uses a combination of natural language processing and machine learning to generate code. When you enter a programming task, the app will first try to understand what you are asking. It will then use its knowledge of programming languages to generate code that solves the task. If the generated code has any bugs, LangChain-Coder can also fix them. It does this by analyzing the code and identifying the errors. It can then suggest changes to the code that will fix the errors. Once the code is generated and fixed, LangChain-Coder can run it. This allows you to see how the code works and to test it for errors. The technologies it uses LangChain-Coder uses a variety of technologies, including: GPT-3:  A large language model from OpenAI that can generate tex

How ChatGPT Code Runner Can Boost Your Productivity and Creativity

If you are a coder, you know how frustrating it can be to switch between different tools and platforms to write, run, and save your code. You also know how easy it is to lose track of your code snippets or forget where you saved them.😞 I have released two products. 1. Code Runner Chrome extension. 2.  Code Runner ChatGPT Plugin. Introducing  Code Runner - Chrome extension , the ultimate tool for coding within  ChatGPT ! 🚀 Check out my first awesome plugin for ChatGPT that lets you Run code in 70+ languages! 🙌👩‍💻👨‍💻  Introducing  Code Runner - ChatGPT Plugin , the ultimate tool for coding within  ChatGPT ! 🚀 Checkout Tweet-Code Runner here : Url of Plugins to Install. 1. ChatGPT Plugin store :   ChatGPT - Code Runner Plugin 2. On Plugin store :  ChatGPT Plugin Store - Code Runner But what if there was a way to code directly in your browser, without the need to install anything or open any other applications? What if you could run and save your code in over 70 programming langu

RunGPT - A Chrome Extension like OpenAI's Code Interpreter

Hey there, fellow coders! 👋 Are you looking for a fun and easy way to write and execute code directly within  OpenAI chat ? Do you want to test your algorithms, explore APIs, or build cool apps without leaving the chat window? 🤔 If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re in luck! 😍 Introducing  RunGPT - Chrome extension , the ultimate tool for coding within ChatGPT ! 🚀 RunGPT is a simple and powerful extension that lets you run code snippets in many languages with a single click. You can use it to make web requests, load and parse data, create plots and charts, and much more! 🙌 With RunGPT , you can: Write and execute code in  Python ,  JavaScript ,  Ruby , and more. 💻 Load and parse data from APIs or websites. 🌐 Analyze and visualize data with popular libraries like matplotlib, seaborn, pandas, and plotly. 📊 Attach files to your code snippets, such as images, tables, or custom modules. 📎 Edit and modify your code directly within the chat. 📝 Test and debug y

AI Tools for Coding | Software Developer - BEST AI.

GitHub Actions [ 1 ]: GitHub Actions is a tool that allows developers to automate their software development workflows, including building, testing, and deploying code. This tool is integrated with GitHub and enables developers to automate tasks by creating custom workflows. The workflows can be triggered by events such as pushes to a repository, pull requests, or the creation of a new release. Codota [ 2 ]: Codota is an AI-powered code completion tool for programmers. It uses machine learning algorithms to suggest code snippets based on the context of the code being written. This helps programmers write code faster and with fewer errors, as they do not need to spend time searching for code examples or remembering the syntax of a specific programming language. Codota supports multiple programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, Python, and others. DeepCode [ 3 ] : DeepCode is an AI-powered code review tool that analyzes code for security vulnerabilities, performance issues, and

CodeGPT vs Github Copilot AI Code Generator: A Comprehensive Comparison

As a developer, you know that time is of the essence. Any tool that can help you save time and increase efficiency is worth considering. In this article, we will be comparing two such tools: CodeGPT and Github Copilot AI code generator. CodeGPT is a Visual Studio Code extension that uses OpenAI's API to generate code. It's designed to help developers write code faster and more accurately. With CodeGPT , you can generate code for various programming languages and frameworks, including Python, JavaScript, and React. The tool uses state-of-the-art AI algorithms to understand the structure of the code you are trying to write and generate code snippets that match your style and requirements. On the other hand, Github Copilot AI code generator is a code generation tool that integrates with Github. It provides suggestions for code snippets as you type and lets you add the suggested code with just one click. The tool is built on Github's AI infrastructure and is designed to wo

Best books for reading C and C++ for Beginners


C Programming book to read | Best in class

  Here is book which I recommend its called The C Programming Language by  Brian Kernighan  and  Dennis Ritchie  here are the steps that shows latest book is the best to learn the programming First and foremost, " The C Programming Language " by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie is considered the "bible" of C programming. It is written by the creators of the C language, which gives it a level of authority and expertise that other books on the subject cannot match. The book is written in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to understand even for beginners. It covers the basics of C programming, including data types, variables, loops, and functions, in a logical and organized way. The book also covers advanced topics such as pointers, memory management, and file input/output, which are essential for any serious C programmer. These topics are explained in detail and with clear examples, making it easy to understand even for those who may be new to programming.